Footy fever hits Sydney South girls

Last Friday night marked the Season Launch for the AFL Sydney South Youth Girls Competition, a 10 week program for girls of all skill levels.

More than 20 enthusiastic girls aged 12 and under attended the first session of the program, learning the technical skills and rules of the game. Southern Power players Lauren Hodgson and Alex Tegg helped conduct the launch to inspire and motivate the girls in their AFL experience.

Hodgson, who moved from Melbourne to Sydney two years ago, said she was impressed with the number of girls who wanted to be involved in the program.

“It was really good that there was a mix of skill levels among the girls, it’s fantastic they are so keen to be involved,” she said.

“I had girls coming up to me after the session wanting to know when they could play for the Southern Power, unfortunately I had to tell them they were about five years off!

“In the two years I have been in Sydney, the female footy scene has grown a lot. There are new women’s team in the Sydney AFL competition and the introduction of new programs like Youth Girls football are really positive signs about the growth of the game.”

Female football has been identified as a key area of growth for the AFL, and Youth Girls Football programs can provide the pathway for girls to continue to be engaged and involved in AFL beyond the Auskick program.

The majority of the girls who attended were from the Miranda AFL Club, which has been an enthusiastic proponent of this initiative.

Youth Girls AFL is open to any girl keen to learn and play AFL with modified contact and rules. The skills program will build their fitness, skills and confidence in a social and safe environment. AFL NSW/ACT is encouraged by the number of attendees at the first session but hopes numbers will continue to grow. All girls encouraged to bring their sisters and friends. Come down and get involved on Friday afternoons at 5pm at Waratah Oval, Sutherland.

Registration is $50 for the 10 week program, and girls receive a pink football and Youth Girls T-shirt.