How to Process Pending Registrations


Only brand new players to the sport or Players transferring from another League to your Club need to have their registration approved (or cancelled if relevant) by a Club administrator in PlayHQ. Existing players who re-register or players who transfer to your Club from another Club within your League don’t have to have their registrations approved at a Club level (the approval occurs automatically).  

If you need to cancel a player’s registration (both returning players and new players) at any stage because they have decided to longer participate in the season you can do so. 


Support Links: 

Instructions on how to approve (or cancel) a pending registration in you Club’s PlayHQ database are here. 

Instructions on how to cancel a player’s registration because they no longer want to participate are here.  

Still have questions? Head to the AFL Club Help website or contact the customer support team via email or phone 1800 PLAYAFL (1800 7529 235)


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