Become a Volunteer


Volunteers are the backbone of AFL clubs. Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.

Volunteering within a football club or umpiring group gives you the chance to meet new people and become engaged in the community.

Clubs are always looking for volunteers to assist them and there are endless roles that can be filled. Some examples of volunteer roles are:

  • Boundary Umpires
  • Goal Umpires
  • Runner
  • Time Keeper
  • Coach
  • Canteen Operator
  • Functions and Event Coordinator
  • Registrar

See volunteer roles and responsibilities by clicking here.

Become a volunteer by searching the Find a Club button to the right of the screen and getting in contact with your local club. Alternatively, click here to fill in our Volunteer Enquiry Form and the state representative will be in touch shortly.


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