How do Brand New Players Register


To allow a brand new player to the sport to register at your Club, simply share with them your Club’s registration form which they can use to create a PlayHQ account and register for the 2022 season. New players can also find the registration form on your Club’s PlayHQ portal here if you have switched the registration form to “visible” in your Club’s PlayHQ database.  

Brand new players are not player that have previously played at another Club. If a player who has previously played at another Club wants to join your Club they must transfer. 


Support Links: 

Instructions on how a brand new player can register are here. 

Further information on how a parent can create a PlayHQ account and register one or more children under that account is here

Further information on how a Club can switch their registration for to visible on their public PlayHQ portal is here.

Further information on how a player can transfer Clubs in 2022 is here.

Still have questions? Head to the AFL Club Help website or contact the customer support team via email or phone 1800 PLAYAFL (1800 7529 235)


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