U15s Kickstart their footy dream

By Deanna Hadid

The first day was an apparent struggle for the NSW/ACT boys when they took on WA and VIC/TAS in two competitive matches.

Despite losing all games, NSW/ACT managed to improve their game and build their confidence throughout the remainder of the week through strong sportsmanship and teamwork.

NSW/ACT coach, Greg Wellington was pleased to see the boys to try AFL considering their areas are dominated with Rugby League supporters.

“The biggest thing is that they were able to take much skill, knowledge and experience from playing high-level footy which makes the physical aspect of AFL,” Wellington said.

“The boys were inexperienced unlike the WA team.

“Indeed they were out-gunned and out-played but they decided to hang in there, go hard on the field and they played marvellously throughout the remainder of the championship—I’m very proud of them.”

While realising the level of talent at the championship, the quality of football improved.

Three players were selected to play in the combined Kickstart team who played against the Pacific combined side.

There were no severe injuries during the week apart from a few knocks and bruises; but the team of 23 took home valuable lessons and memories.

“The boys started out shy, but all eventually got along with each other, bonding on and off the field where they were able to develop that strong sense of teamwork and sportsmanship,” Wellington said.

“It was nice to see them excited to get on a plane and travel for the first time.

“The boys now know they’re not stuck in a closed environment—this chance got them out of their comfort zone and are able to take this experience as a pathway for them to further opportunities.”

AFL NSW/ACT Indigenous Programs Manager, Katriina Heikkanen said she was proud of the effort produced by the boys, turning them into young, responsible leaders for their community.

“The KickStart Championships provide a unique football experience for our young Indigenous players in NSW and the ACT,” she said.

“This is their first experience at a level like this so they now know what they need to do to enhance their skills to be AFL players.”

The U15 KickStart Championships structure has been developed to provide a supported talented player pathway that complements the National U16 Championships and exposes Indigenous coaches, doctors, physiotherapists and trainers to an elite AFL Program environment.