Santa kicks-off Christmas

On Friday December 10, the Williamtown RAAF Base Christmas Treat was held for over 3500 people from the Newcastle and Hunter region.

The defence force and their families attended the Christmas event where there were carnival rides, pony rides, reptile shows, concerts and food stalls available on the day. Santa even made a surprise visit by helicopter while the RAAF put on an air show mid afternoon.

AFL NSW/ACT were invited to participate in the event where children were given an interactive experience playing with the Big Kick and handball targets. There were also a few giveaways for the kids. The local AFL team, the Port Stephens JAFC, also attended where they received a number of new registrations as well as other enquiries to play AFL in season 2011. 

A signed Sydney Swans jumper was also raffled off at the end of the day with the winner coming all the way up from Penrith.

Overall, the day was a huge success with Santa’s attempts of kicking a Sherrin one of the highlights. AFL NSW/ACT is looking forward to the event next year.

“This event is primarily for the defence community, at the current climate we’ve got a lot of defence personnel overseas so this a way of saying thank you and saying we’re not forgetting in these difficult times,” RAAF’s Gus Island said.

“It has been a great success. We’ve got 3,500 which is up from last year.”

Please click here to view Gus Island’s video.