Swans star Smith rates schoolgirl footy

Sydney Swans defender Nick Smith was on hand earlier this week to help the students of Our Lady of Sacred Heart in Kensington with their first AFL experience.

The year seven students participated in a school clinic run by AFL NSW/ACT where they learned the basic skills of AFL – kicking and handballing – as well as learning some facts about their local footy team the Swans. There were a few Swans fans in the crowd, but most girls said they had never seen a game let alone play it.

Despite this, the enthusiasm levels were high as they attempted goal kicks and worked on their ball skills with help from the coaches and special guest Nick Smith.

OLSH Physical Education teacher Nicki Richards said she hoped the girls enjoyed the experience and would continue to play AFL in the future.

“It can be difficult to get the girls excited about a sport until they’re exposed to it for themselves,” she said.

“I’m pretty sure these girls will go home and watch the Swans play on the weekend after this!”

Smith said he was impressed with the skills from the novice footy players, most of whom hadn’t had never kicked a football.

“Some of them are great, I hope they keep playing after this,” he said.

Once the skills session concluded Smith quizzed the girls on their newfound knowledge, offering prizes to the girls who answered correctly.

OLSH Kensington also runs a regular AFL program for their older students as part of their school sport offerings.

The girls were also encouraged to join the Sydney Youth Girls football competition, commencing in mid-May. With age groups starting at under-12, the Sydney Youth Girls competition is a fantastic way to keep fit, make friends and be involved in Australian Rules footy. No experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome.

For more information check out www.aflnswact.com.au.