Mavroudis To Mould Riverina Umpires

Mavroudis only retired from the AFL at the end of last season where he fielded as a goal umpire at 131 games, including a couple of finals, an exhibition game in London, and a NAB Cup final.

He began work last week at AFL House in Wagga as the replacement for the recently departed Luke Olsen.

Mavroudis was an AFL goal umpire for 12 years and jumped at the opportunity when he landed the job from a list of quality applicants.

The 39-year-old was happy to retire from AFL level in a bid to land full-time employment in a field he is so passionate about.

“I retired last year to get involved in more of a role like this,” Mavroudis said yesterday.

“I’ve always had the passion to get into AFL development…but it was going to be too hard to cope doing both.

“The time was right now and I’m not out of umpiring very long coming into this role.”

Read the entire article on the Daily Advertiser website.