Multicultural Round profile

Basic information

Name: Liali K-Hassan
Club: Auburn Tigers Women’s AFC
Age: 19
Value: Priceless
Nationality: Australian born, Lebanese heritage
Position: Midfield
Height: 155cm
Weight: Pure Muscle

General Player profile

Liali started playing AFL in 2011 when the Auburn Tigers Women’s team was established. She is a fire cracker with her speed, agility and strength. She loves Aussie Rules because it’s competitive, aggressive and requires skill development. She regularly works on her skills outside of training, to perfect her kicking.

She is one of the most committed players in the Club. She attends every training session and game (even if she’s not playing). She volunteers to assist on game day and with other tasks. She has been the Auburn Tigers’ most consistent player for the past two seasons. She puts her body on the line time and time again, inspiring her teammates along the way.

As a result of her hard work she has been awarded the Most Consistent Award at the annual club presentation ceremony. Her determination guarantees she attacks the ball on second, third and fourth attempts when her teammates are tired. Her development from her first year to third year is a testament to her dedication to be a dominant player.

She uses her small size to her advantage to get the ball out of contests.She shows heart on the field and she easily gets in the most tackles (regardless of the size of the opposition) every game. She broke her nose in her first season and fractured it again this season and got back on the field the next week impassive to her injuries.

She’s a great role model for young girls. Her development proves to aspiring young women to believe mind over matter and goals are achievable with hard work.

Liali has tremendous talent, ability and focus. She is one to watch over coming years.

For more information about the team visit the Facebook fan page: Auburn Tigers Women’s Australian Football Club, Twitter @aubtigersfc or email