ACT Women think pink to help BCNA

Everyone saw pink on Sunday as the Gungahlin Jets Women’s team ran out onto Amaroo Oval in a sea of pink jumpers to raise awareness and funds for the Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA).

The festivities began with skydivers sporting pink uniforms, parachutes and streamers landing on Amaroo Oval to present the annual Pink Footy Day cup.

Event organiser Lisa Murphy said while the event is meant to be a fun day, the real reason is to raise money for the BCNA.

“Money raised from this cause makes a difference in saving lives and assisting families dealing with Breast Cancer. From a personal point of view, the spirit and the lift it gives those who have had direct experience with Breast Cancer”

This is the second year Gungahlin have donned all pink uniforms to raise money, and next year they will be sure to go even bigger.

‘Using community football to raise health awareness issues is a good strategy to bringing a message home’

The event also attracted the ACT Minister for Tourism, Sports and Recreated, Andrew Barr as well as Federal Minister for Sport Kate Lundy.

Mr Barr presented the football to the umpires before the match, while Ms Lundy was the official coin tosser.

Collection tins were based around the grounds on the day, and people have also been donating to the jets team on the BCNA website. So far the Jets have raised $880. To donate (

Pink Footy Day is an initiative of the national event Pink Sports Day, with more than 900 sporting clubs across Australia turning pink this year. So far an incredible $108,000 has been raised.

The campaign originally began as Pink Footy Day in 2009 after the Victorian Country Football League (VCFL) formed a partnership with BCNA.

In 2010, Netball Victoria and AFL Canberra joined VCFL to expand the concept into Pink Footy & Netball Day, which ran until 2012.

Since its beginning, the campaign has tripled in club participation and has raised more than $700,000 for BCNA. Due to the success and the demand for other sports, it was renamed Pink Sports Day in 2013.