Manuka set for lighting upgrade

AFL NSW/ACT is delighted that the Federal Government has announced $2.5 million in funding towards the installation of broadcast quality lighting at Manuka Oval.

The investment will be matched by the ACT Labor Government and will enhance the quality of the venue, increasing its credentials as a first class AFL venue.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced the funding prior to the GWS Giants’ first home fixture at the ground on Saturday April 28.

ACT Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation Andrew Barr said he welcomed the investment from the Federal Government.

“This investment means that Manuka Oval will be better able to cater for Australian football and cricket into the future. It also provides opportunities for the ACT to attract competitions such as the Twenty20 Big Bash and AFL night matches,” he said.

“It is a reality of Australia’s modern sporting landscape that many matches are played at night, and without lights at Manuka Oval the ACT has been constrained in how many AFL night matches and Big Bash matches it can host.

“I am very pleased to welcome today’s commitment by Federal Labor to contribute to new lights at the oval, which are a part of ACT Labor’s wider plans to reinvigorate and develop the Manuka Oval precinct.”

Preliminary assessments have indicated lights will cost approximately $5 million and will consist of four to six fixed mast light towers. Collectively, the masts will house between 500 to 600 lights and will produce lux levels that will meet high- definition broadcast standards for both the AFL and cricket.

AFL NSW/ACT Planning and Operations Manager Joseph La Posta said the improved lighting will allow the ground to increase its AFL hosting capacity.

“The ability to host night games will allow both AFL and NEAFL fixtures to be played at Manuka,” he said.

“It will be a high quality AFL venue in the heart of the ACT.”

The lighting system will be designed to minimise light spill onto surrounding residential and commercial areas in Manuka. Community consultation will commence in May 2012.