Magic milestone for Julie McLean

On Sunday when the Riverina Lions play the Tuggeranong Hawks in the preliminary final, Julie ‘Chicka’ McLean will achieve a magic milestone by becoming the first woman in the AFL Canberra Women’s League [formerly ACTWAFL] to play 200 career games.

This is a fitting achievement for McLean after a long and illustrious football career both on and off the field.

McLean first started playing in 1999 at Ainslie and excelled from the outset. After four years at the club she parted ways and looked to further develop women’s football by establishing the now successful Riverina Lions Women’s Football team.

What makes her 200 game milestone even more impressive is that since starting the Riverina Lions, McLean has played and captained 135 games consecutively. This is an amazing feat at any level of football.

McLean has helped build and grow the profile of female football in the region and is spreading her insight, knowledge and passion further. She has been a member of the ACTWAFL committee, part of the AFL Canberra Female Football Advisory Board and on the Women’s Nationals organising committee.

Her on field success and her off field leadership led McLean to become one of the inaugural ACTWAFL Life Members.

Riverina Lions coach Michael Barnes has nothing but praise for his captain.

“It’s not very often you see someone captain a football club for nine years, so it just goes to show you how much she is respected as a person and how much the players look up to her for leadership,” Barnes said.

“Julie is a life member of the ACTWAFL and she is a life member of the Riverina Lions what else do you need to say.

“I would like to congratulate Julie on reaching this milestone in her football career I just hope on Sunday that the girls can give her the celebration she deserves.”