Facilities & Infrastructure


Visit our Community Grants page for the latest grants available.

It is important to have written support from your local council and/or land owners before applying for any facility grants.


Please see this link to AFL ClubHelp’s website on Facility Development.

Contained within includes a webinar on Grants, the AFL’s Toward 2030 Facilities Strategy, our Preferred Facilities Guidelines, Plant & Equipment Safety, Modular & Synthetic solution information, information regarding the Community Facility Awards, along with an expression of interest for innovative ideas.


The AFL Preferred Facilities Guidelines should be used by State and Territory Australian Football Controlling Bodies, Councils, Leagues, Clubs, Schools and associated stakeholders to inform the provision and development of appropriate facilities for community level Australian Football venues.

Please see the 2024 AFL Preferred Facility Guidelines here


As the demand for Australian Football increases, there is a continual need to improve the carrying capacity of community sporting grounds.

On average, turf fields can accommodate up to 30 hours of usage a week. For venues which require more than the 30 hours, synthetic turf surfaces should be considered.

The AFL and Cricket Australia endorse the playing of community level Australian Football and cricket on a synthetic turf surface that meets the criteria in the AFL CA Handbook of Testing for Synthetic Turf March 2018.

For further information on synthetic surfaces please visit the AFL Community Club website.

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