Capital Tigers’ trip north

The Capital Tigers – Canberra and the surrounding regions’ official Richmond supporters group – organised their first away trip, which included a bus trip to attend the game at the SCG.

They also mingled with Richmond legend and Premiership player Michael Roach and Dale Weightman and heard from members of the current team’s coaching staff at a pre-game function hosted by the Sydney Tigers supporters group.

“We had a great day,” said inaugural President Darren Crick.

“While the result didn’t go our way against the Swans, it was great to get to Sydney with a bunch of Tigers fans to get behind the boys, share a beer, a pie and hear from some of the legends of the club we love.

“This was our first organised bus trip and I am stoked so many committed Tigers fans got on board to trek up the highway.

“Getting to meet Disco (Roach) and catching up with Flea (Weightman) at the Sydney Tigers pre-game function was a real highlight of the day and gave us plenty of ideas as a Committee for the Capital Tigers about the sort of functions we could run here in Canberra for our local members.

“We’d love to take up two buses next year.”

Since starting up February this year, the Capital Tigers have achieved real success with over 200 members joining the group, many of whom have regularly met at the Hellenic Club in the City to watch the Tigers play in what is shaping to be their most successful season in many years.

The group has also hosted several major events, most recently with former players Jim Jess and Weightman coming to town to share some stories and watch the game with about 60 other fans that bleed ‘Yellow and Black’.

 “With 2013 shaping up as a terrific season for the Tiges and a shape of things to come, this is a great opportunity for local Richmond fans to get on board, show their passion with others who share it and be part of the Richmond Family,” Crick said.

“You don’t have to be a Richmond member, just a supporter – and we know there are plenty of you out there in and around the Capital – so come on, get on board and get involved.”

The Capital Tigers supporters group aims to:

1) Provide opportunities for Tigers supporters and members of all ages living in the ACT and surrounding regions to meet and cheer on the ‘yellow and black’.
2) Organise social, fundraising and participation events that support the Richmond Football Club and raise the profile of both the Supporters Group and the Club in the ACT and surrounding regions.
3) Encourage and promote membership of the Richmond Football Club.
4) Provide local support to Richmond players and officials when visiting Canberra.

Membership benefits include organised social occasions, the chance to meet current and former Richmond players and to be able to share in Richmond’s success with other like-minded fans. 

All supporters, regardless of whether or not they are Richmond Football Club Members, are welcome. Membership is free for Richmond members and $10 for non members and families.

“Between now and next season, we are planning a number of functions with hopefully some current and former payers coming along to meet the fans and pass on a few tips,” Crick said.

“The Committee has also got a few other potential projects planned to build Canberra’s links with the Club.”

If you become a member of the Capital Tigers, you’ll have the best chance of being first to know when and where, You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and the web (